Zoning Board

The Zoning Board of Adjustment meets on an as needed basis.  If there is a case before them, the Board will meet on the second Monday of the month at 7:00PM in the Cary Mead Room of the Municipal Building. 

Submission of applications for Variance, Special Exception or Appeal From An Administrative Decision, shall adhere to the application deadlines as indicated on the Zoning Board of Adjustments Calendar, no exceptions. Please see specific application forms for more detailed information.

Below are the list of members, their positions and term expiration.


Bernard Volz, Chairman - 2027
Karen Ponton, Vice Chair - 2026
George Lamprey, Member - 2027
Stephany Marchut Lavallee, Member - 2025
Gregory Hime, Alternate Member - 2027
Timothy Nefores, Alternate Member - 2027
Alison Toates, Alternate Member- 2027
Thomas Reddy, Alternate Member-2026

The ZBA has vacancies for alternate members; please contact the ZBA (using email [that is on this page]) for further details.

Email:  planningzoning@centerharbornh.gov



